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Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Misteri hujan merah di India
Inilah penjelasan hujan darah atau hujan merah ini.
Lebih dari 500.000 meter kubik air hujan berwarna merah tercurah ke bumi. Pada mulanya ilmuwan mengira air hujan yang berwarna merah itu disebabkan oleh pasir gurun, namun para Ilmuwan menemukan sesuatu yang mengejutkan, unsur merah di dalam air tersebut adalah sel hidup, sel yang bukan berasal dari bumi !
Menurut ilmuwan setempat unsur merah di dalam air tersebut adalah sel hidup, sel yang bukan berasal dari bumi.
Hujan yang pertama jatuh di distrik Kottayam dan Idukki di wilayah selatan India. Bukan hanya hujan berwarna merah, 10 hari pertama dilaporkan turunnya hujan berwarna kuning, hijau dan bahkan hitam. Setelah 10 hari, intensitas curah hujan mereda hingga September.
Hujan tersebut turun hanya pada wilayah yang terbatas dan biasanya hanya berlangsung sekitar 20 menit per hujan. Para penduduk lokal menemukan baju-baju yang dijemur berubah warna menjadi merah seperti darah. Penduduk lokal juga melaporkan adanya bunyi ledakan dan cahaya terang yang mendahului turunnya hujan yang dipercaya sebagai ledakan meteor.
Contoh air hujan tersebut segeradibawa untuk diteliti olehpemerintah India dan ilmuwan. Salah satu ilmuwan independen yang menelitinya adalah Godfrey Louis dan Santosh Kumara dari Universitas Mahatma Gandhi.
Mereka mengumpulkan lebih dari 120 laporan dari penduduk setempat dan mengumpulkan sampel air hujan merah dari wilayah sepanjang 100 km. Pertama kali mereka mengira bahwa partikel merah di dalam air adalah partikel pasir yang terbawa dari gurun Arab.
Hal ini pernah terjadi pada Juli 1968 dimana pasir dari gurun sahara terbawa angin hingga menyebabkan hujan merah di Inggris. Namun mereka menemukan bahwa unsur
merah di dalam air tersebut bukanlah butiran pasir, melainkan sel-sel yang hidup.
Komposisi sel tersebut terdiri dari 50% Karbon, 45% Oksigen dan 5% unsur lain seperti besi dan sodium, konsisten dengan komponen sel biologi lainnya, dan sel itu juga membelah diri. Sel itu memiliki diameter antara 3-10 mikrometer dengan dinding sel yang tebal dan memiliki variasi nanostruktur didalam membrannya.
Namun tidak ada nukleus yangdapat diidentifikasi. Setiap meterkubik sampel yang diambil, terdapat 100 gram unsur merah. Jadi apabila dijumlah, maka dari Juli hingga September terdapat 50 ton partikel merah yang tercurah ke Bumi.
Di Universitas Sheffield, Inggris,seorang ahli mikrobiologis bernama Milton Wainwright mengkonfirmasi bahwa unsur merah tersebut adalah sel hidup. Hal ini dinyatakan karena Wainwright berhasil menemukan adanya DNA dari unsur sel tersebut walaupun ia belum berhasil mengekstraknya.
Karena partikel merah tersebut adalah sel hidup, maka para ilmuwan mengajukan teori bahwa partikel merah itu adalah darah. Menurut mereka, kemungkinan batu meteor yang meledak di udara telah membantai sekelompok kelelawar di udara. Namun teori ini ditolak karena tidak adanya bukti-bukti yang mendukung seperti sayap kelelawar yang jatuh ke bumi.
Dengan menghubungkan antara suara ledakan dan cahaya yang mendahului hujan tersebut, Louis mengemukakan teori bahwa sel-sel merah tersebut adalah makhluk ekstra terestrial. Louis menyimpulkan bahwa materi merah tersebut datang dari sebuah komet yang memasuki atmosfer bumi dan meledak di atas langit India.
Sebuah studi yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa doktoral dari Universitas Queen, Irlandia yang bernama Patrick McCafferty menemukan catatan sejarah yang menghubungkan hujan berwarna dengan ledakan meteor.
McCafferty menganalisa 80 laporan mengenai hujan berwarna, 20 laporan air berubah menjadi darah dan 68 contoh fenomena mirip seperti hujan hitam, hujan susu atau madu yang turun dari langit.
36 persen dari contoh tersebutternyata terhubung denganaktivitas meteor atau komet.
Peristiwa-peristiwa tersebut terjadi mulai dari Romawi kuno, Irlandia dan Inggris abad pertengahan dan bahkan Kalifornia abad ke-19.
McCafferty mengatakan,“kelihatannya ada hubunganyang kuat antara laporan hujan berwarna dengan aktivitas meteor, Hujan merah Kerala cocok dengan pola-pola tersebut dan tidak dapat diabaikan begitu saja. ”
Jadi, apakah hujan merah di Kerala berasal dari luar bumi ? Sebagian ilmuwan yang skeptis serta merta menolak teori ini. Namun sebagian ilmuwan lain yang belum menemukan jawabannya segera melirik kembali ke sebuah teori usang yang diajukan oleh ahli fisikaSir Fred Hoyle dan Dr ChandraWickramasinghe, teori yang disebut Panspermia, yaitu sebuah teori yang menyatakan bahwa kehidupan di bumi ini berasal dari luar angkasa.
Menurut kedua ilmuwan tersebut pada mulanya di luar angkasa terdapat awan gas antar bintang yang mengandung bakteri. Ketikaawan itu mengerut karena gravitasi untuk membentuk sistem bintang, bakteri yang ada di dalamnya tetap bertahan hidup di dalam komet.
Ketika komet itu terkena sinar matahari, panas matahari mencairkan permukaan es pada
komet, bakteri-bakteri tersebut lolos dan tersapu ke planet-planet terdekat. Teori ini juga didasarkan pada argumen Charles Darwin bahwa sesungguhnya bakteri
memiliki karakteristis ‘luar bumi’.
Source :
Sunday, August 8, 2010
道德經-章十一 '無有'
Tiga puluh jari-jari dipusatkan ke satu nap kayu bundar,
karena di pusat nap tersebut ada lubang kosong,
nap yang kosong itu baru bisa dipasang as roda.
Mengolah tanah liat menjadi sebuah guci,
karena didalam itu ada ruang kosong,
guci itu baru berguna dijadikan sebuah wadah.
Membuat pintu dan jendela mendirikan satu kamar,
karenj didalam kamar itu ada ruang yang kosong,
kamar itu baru berguna untuk diisi barang.
Maka, memiliki 'you' (ada) dianggap beruntung,
memilikg 'wu' (tidak ada/kosong) dianggap berguna.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Cara Hitung Volume
Objek itu bisa berupa benda yang beraturan ataupun benda yang tidak beraturan..
Benda yang beraturan misalnya kubus, balok, silinder, limas, kerucut, Dan bola..
Benda yang tidak beraturan misalnya batu yang ditemukan di jalan..
Volume digunakan untuk menentukan massa jenis suatu benda..
Rumus volume digunakan untuk benda yang beraturan:
* Volume kubus = r³ (r adalah rusuk kubus)
* Volume balok = p.l.t (p adalah panjang, l adalah lebar Dan t adalah tinggi)
* Volume prisma = La.t (La adalah luas alas Dan t adalah tinggi)
* Volume limas = (1/3).La.t (La adalah luas alas Dan t adalah tinggi)
* Volume silinder = π.r².t (r adalah jari-jari Dan t adalah tinggi)
* Volume kerucut = (1/3).π.r².t (r adalah jari-jari Dan t adalah tinggi)
* Volume bola = (4/3).π.r³
Trapesium adalah bangun datar dua dimensi yang dibentuk oleh empat buah rusuk yang dua diantaranya saling sejajar namun tidak sama panjang..
Trapesium yang rusuk ketiganya tegak lurus terhadap rusuk-rusuk sejajar disebut trapesium siku-siku..
Luas trapesium = (1/2).(Jumlah sisi yang sejajar).t
(t adalah tinggi trapesium)
Discovering the World's Most Mysterious Places
By CHAN LEE PENG, Dec 31, 2007 These places accommodate some miraculous and natural superpowers that man could not solve their mystery clues even with the most advance devices human had made so far. Their myths and legendary rumors remain unknown and mysterious to the outside world. When we were small, we used to assemble wooden blocks to establish a building, but have we ever thought of building up a 100-meter high building like these Egyptian Pyramids? How do we build up the building with huge bricks weighing 100 tons each? These grand and marvelous building structures are amazing and their establishments constitute myths and legendary rumors until now. In North Africa, there are 80 blocks of such pyramids scattered around the Egypt's Nile River, which have become one of the most miraculous places in the world. The highest pyramid called Cheops Pyramid and it was build by overlapping pile of boulders together. In the making of pyramids, Egyptians were not using any adhesive, glue or nails to attach the pile of boulders and one could even hardly find cracks or gaps among the rocks or stones from the overlapping plot. Nevertheless, the structure is extremely firm and strong that the sharp blades or swords could not even pass through. In addition, Egyptian Pyramids have experiencing 5,000 years of strong wind's erosions and yet these artifacts are remained not touch by the nature. They appeared to stand alone like warriors in the desert. These towering pyramids are such spectacular and superior buildings human had ever made on the Earth.
This is a mysterious place encountered in the Antarctic Island. People call it "a dry valley with no snow cover." Antarctic is a place with fewer inhabitants and dwellers and thus some unexplainable phenomenon happenings in Antarctica remain mystery to the outsiders. Approximately 14 million square kilometers of the total area of the Antarctic continent have the snow cover. When viewing from the high sky, the central of the Antarctic is like a pot's lid plateau. Most of the areas vividly have their surfaces covered with snow with its thickness reaching 2000m and sometimes may attain the thickness up to 4,800m. In winter, the surrounding ice combines with the ice from the ocean to form up one smooth, large plateau to which people can hardly distinguish between the land and the sea.
Bermuda Triangle is located in Western North Atlantic, which comprises of seven major islands, 150 small islands, some islands composed of reefs group. Any high-tech devices or equipments will become malfunction when reaching this mysterious place and thus the survivors may have encountered problems to communicate with the outside world. Because of its extremely mysterious characteristic, people have called this place as a devil triangle.
In China, people have named this desert as "Moguicheng" or a city of devil. "Moguicheng" is famous in Xinjiang, China. When someone is strolling towards the castle in a sunny day accompanying with a gentle blowing breeze, one may heard a nice rhythm coming from the distance. The melodies are just like 10 million shaking bells, and sometimes one may feel the music like gentle flicking of 10 million guitars' strings. However, when cyclones come, bulks of sands are rising up in the sky by the strong winds, the sky turns pitch dark suddenly like a hell, and the nice music no longer heard but turns into strange sounds. The sounds resemble the roaring of the tigers, trumpeting of the elephants, and sounds by pigs that are being slaughtered, babies' crying, shouting of the women who are going to die, and alternately the sounds change to shouting, mourning and quarreling. The storms are then swirling aggressively by shooting up to the sky accompanying by terrified wolf growling sounds in the cloudy nightfall. People are wandering who had built this city and where do the sounds come from?
This island is legendary full of Surreptitious and specter. Westerners prefer sailing by venturing many historically strange events occurred here in the history of seafaring. In 1707, the British captain of the Andean Julius had discovered this land; however, it was strange that he could hardly reach this land. He later affirmed that this was not an optical illusion, so he marked the "land" on the map. 200 years later, the admiral Makaluofu and his inspection team who were sailing to the North Pole on their icebreaker vessel called "Ye Ermake," accidentally came across this piece of land. In 1925, Navigator called Woershi, too, passed through this land and he memorized the outline of the land. Nevertheless, the investigation team comprising of scientists, who sailed to this land in 1928 never found any islands as claimed by the previous navigators.
This place is located in Henan, China, and local people called it "bingbing bei" or the back of the ice. When midsummer approaches, people tend to move to places that are cool and refreshing. Although the change of four seasons, namely summer, autumn, spring and winter is an unchangeable law, in certain parts of the world, this theory seems not to be applicable. They are some fortunate people live in "warm" zone. This phenomenon is applying to people dwelling in the eastern mountain areas of Liaoning Province, China. They are experiencing warm temperature while other areas of China are experiencing the changes of seasons. Thus, this area has named after this phenomenon as "temperature anomaly zone." This "geothermal anomaly zone" extends from 1.5m out of the town of the left riverbank of Hunjiang to the end part of the right riverbank of Hun River and to the foothills near Guandian Province. The entire length for this "temperature anomaly zone" is approximately 15km, occupying the areas of approximately 106,000 square meters. The advent of summer is always accompanying with a decline of temperature in the area of "temperature anomaly zone." When the temperature reaches as high as 30 degree Celsius during the summer, the temperature is minus 12 degree Celsius at one-meter deep into the underground of this area, and the ice froze underground. When someone dips a drop of water one-meter deep into the underground of this area, the water will immediately turn into ice.
Shennongjia is located at the intersection of Sichuan, in Hubei zone, with the meeting of two rivers, namely China's Yangtze River and Hanjiang River. This region comprises an area of 3,250 square kilometers, accounting for more than 85 % of woodland. The average elevation is 1,700m, with the highest point of 3,105 meters, and with the characteristic of various types of climate. When speaking of Shennongjia, people here will think of "savage." Since ancient times, large numbers of documentations have revealed the existence of savage roaming around this area. Legendary, people could even hardly identify the authenticity of the savage. The effort of collecting evidence on the existence of savage was initiating by the relevant departments from 1977 to 1980. They had collected savage hairs, footprints and feces left by the savage. This proved to us that a kind of bizarre animal might have existed in Shennongjia not long ago.
This is the famous ancient city of Teotihuacan in America, which called "death to the road." This region stretched from a so-called main road of "death to the road" to the north-south roadway. In the tenth century AD, Ards heroes who were the earliest team walking along this way leading to a castle found nobody in the city, and thus they believed that the buildings on either side of the road were gods' tomb lands. In 1974, a Mexican person called Dayton Halisi said that he had found a suitable unit measurement for all these streets and buildings at this city at the International American meeting. This unit length is 1.059m using a calculation from a computer. For example, the units for the Teaodiwakan snake temple, the moon and the Sun Pyramid is the height of 21, 42, and 63 "units" respectively with the ratio of 1:2:3 based upon the ancient calculation.
People not allowed entering this Kunlun Mountains as its name suggested as "The Gates of Hell." This valley is a death valley, which further claims the Kunlun Mountains "The Gates of Hell." The remains found in this valley were the furs, bones, skeletons of wolves, bears and hunters and some scattered lonely tombs, rendering the world in the death of a ghastly terrifying atmosphere. The Xinjiang Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources of a geological team in China had recorded a true story in the year of 1983 on a group of hungry horse that was grazing the grass and disappeared suddenly in the "The Gates of Hell." A herdsman went into the prohibited area of "The Gates of Hell" to search for his horse. After few days, he was found missing but the horse emerged at the foothill of Kunlun Mountains. Later, the herdsman was found lying on a small hill with his clothes badly torn off, barely footed, eyes widely opened with an angry look, a shotgun gripping in one of his hands showing that he was reluctantly to die. The miraculous thing was that no wounds or signs found around his body to show that he had attacked. Canada Niagara Falls is the world's most mysterious places in the world. Niagara Falls constitutes a part of Canada and the border of United States, the New York State and Ontario, Canada, separating from the Niagara River by flowing northward from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario with a total length of nearly 30 miles. Located in the north, covering an area of 250,000 square miles, Niagara Falls is a smooth exit to these lakes. Its maximum water flow reaches 250,000 cubic feet per second. Niagara Falls is indeed very awesome. This Geysering is a magical spring found in the upper part of the Yarlung Zangbo River in Tibet, China. The spring bursts out in a short while and stops for a while before following by other bursts. The burst goes on, stops and goes on. In other words, its eruption cycle is continuous for a few minutes, auto stop after a few dozen minutes; and followed by another burst and so forth. It bursts like an eruption with a huge, shocked sound. It vents out some high temperature steam from the mouth of the spring. The spring then expands immediately into one to two meters in diameter, and rushes out as water column as high as 20m into the sky. In addition to China's Geysering, in the place near Reykjavik, capital of Iceland, the Geysering is renowned in the world with its diameter of 20m. When there is drizzling rain, this water column can even soar up as high as 70m into the sky. | |||
Sunday, August 1, 2010
道德經-章十 '玄德'
Jiwa dan raga bergabung menjadi satu, bisahkah jiwa tak terpisah dari raga.
Bila memusatkan qi agar tubuh menjadi lentur, bisakah lenturnya seperti seorang bayi.
Bila cermin hati nurani sudah dibersihkan, bisakah tak ada lagi setitik noda di dalamnya.
Bila mencintai rakyat dan mengelola negara, bisakah berperilaku wu wei.
Membuka dan menutup pintu gerbang surga, bisakah tanpa kelembutan seperti feminin.
Bila telah memahami ilmu dari empat penjuru, bisakah merendah seperti orang yang belum tahu apa-apa.
Dialah yang menciptakan dan memeliharanya.
Setelah menciptakan tidak ingin memilikinya.
Setelah mengerjakan tidak mengaitkan kepentingan pribadi.
Setelah membesarkan tidak mau menguasainya.
Inilah Kebajikan Agung yang punya arti amat dalam.
道德經-章九 '功成 名遂 身退'
Sebuah wadah bila diisi terus akan luber, lebih baik dihentikan saja pada waktu yg tepat.
Pedang yang diasah sampai terlampau tajam, ketajamannya tidak bisa bertahan lama.
Menimbun kekayaan emas dan giok tak akan bertahan lama.
Membanggakan kekayaan dan kedudukan akan mengundang bahaya bagi diri sendiri.
Rela mundur setelah berjasa dan terkenal, ini adalah jalan Dao dari langit.