Friday, December 21, 2012

Ilmuwan Telusuri Kondisi Bumi Jelang "Kiamat"

Mikroba menjadi kehidupan yang terakhir bertahan di Bumi.

Jum'at, 21 Desember 2012, 15:29
Permukaan bumi (ilustrasi)
VIVAnews - Sebuah penelitian baru dilakukan untuk mengetahui bentuk kehidupan terakhir di Bumi sebelum kiamat. Ilmuwan pun berusaha mencari tahu apa yang akan terjadi di Bumi, juga jenis tempat tinggal seperti apa yang akan bertahan sebelum Bumi kiamat.
Diperkirakan, dalam waktu sekitar satu miliar tahun ke depan, kondisi dunia dipengaruhi oleh sinar Matahari yang secara bertahap akan meningkat.  Dampaknya juga akan terasa di Bumi.
Suhu permukaan akan naik tanpa henti selama beberapa miliar tahun ke depan, dan akan meningkatkan jumlah uap air di udara. Hal ini juga akan meningkatkan suhu, dengan demikian, akan menandai awal berakhirnya kehidupan di Bumi.
Peningkatan suhu akan menyebabkan jumlah hujan dan angin berlebihan. Kondisi ini dapat meningkatkan pelapukan batuan silikat, yang akan menyedot karbon tambahan dari atmosfer.
Biasanya, karbon tersebut digantikan melalui lempeng tektonik dalam siklus karbon-silikat, seperti yang ditemukan dalam gas vulkanik. Namun, lautan akan mulai menguap, karena suhu terus meningkat, yang mungkin menghentikan lempeng tektonik.
Ilmuwan meyakini bahwa air merupakan pelumas penting bagi gerakan lempeng tektonik di Bumi. Hal ini akan menguras jumlah gunung berapi yang aktif, dan karbon tidak akan terisi ulang di atmosfer.
Kurangnya karbondioksida secara efektif akan menghambat kehidupan tanaman di Bumi. Karena, tanaman membutuhkan CO2 untuk pernapasan mereka. Kematian tanaman yang memproduksi oksigen pada akhirnya akan menyebabkan kurang oksigen di atmosfer selama beberapa juta tahun.
Ini tentu saja berarti bencana bagi kehidupan hewan yang tersisa di Bumi. Mamalia dan burung diperkirakan menjadi kelompok makhluk pertama yang punah.
Selanjutnya ikan, amfibi, dan reptil akan bertahan sedikit lebih lama. Ini disebabkan mereka membutuhkan oksigen lebih sedikit dan memiliki penyesuaian yang lebih besar terhadap panas.
Jenis terakhir binatang yang hidup di Bumi kemungkinan adalah invertebrata. Setelah serangga akhirnya menyerah pada suhu yang meningkat, Bumi hanya akan dihuni oleh kehidupan mikroba. Sementara itu, kehidupan terakhir yang tersisa di Bumi akan mencari bagian planet yang masih layak huni.
Tapi, organisme yang hidup di wilayah ekstrem (extremophile) juga menghadapi tantangan.
Tempat potensial

Karena lautan menguap, praktis hanya kolam-kolam yang masih memiliki air yang dapat memberikan perlindungan terakhir untuk beberapa mikroba.

Parit di dasar laut diperkirakan bisa menjadi salah satu tempat terakhir untuk air atau zat cair. Namun, ini tidak mudah, karena udara yang bergerak ke parit akan dikompresi setelah tenggelam lebih rendah. Tekanan ini akan sangat meningkatkan suhu udara di atas air.

"Pada saat kita sampai ke titik di mana ada parit dengan kolam kecil air di bagian bawah, air laut dalam massa besar akan menguap, sehingga suhu permukaan di planet ini akan meningkat pesat," kata Jack O'Malley-James, penulis utama studi dari University of St Andrews.

"Oleh karena itu, air di dasar palung tidak akan bertahan dalam suhu yang lebih dingin untuk jangka waktu lebih lama, untuk membuat perlindungan yang baik bagi kehidupan," tambahnya.

Tempat potensial lain bagi kehidupan mikroba terakhir yaitu gua-gua bawah tanah. Apalagi, mikroba telah ditemukan hidup di gua-gua Bumi masa kini tanpa memerlukan sinar Matahari. Gua yang paling dalam di Bumi di masa mendatang tidak akan cocok untuk kehidupan, karena suhu meningkat sangat tajam hingga ke dalam.
Namun, gua yang memiliki ruangan besar di bawah pintu masuk yang sempit mungkin lebih dingin. Karena, udara dingin akan tersedot, dan udara hangat keluar.

Gua tersebut terbentuk dari tabung lava yang runtuh, dan udara dingin di gua-gua akan menyebabkan salju jatuh selama musim dingin, serta membekukan air masuk. Ketika suhu di luar naik lagi, udara dingin masih terperangkap di dalam gua bersama dengan es.

Potensi tempat kehidupan juga memungkinkan ada di lingkungan bawah permukaan bumi, selain gua es. Ini dibuktikan dengan ditemukannya kehidupan pada kedalaman 5,3 kilometer di bawah permukaan Bumi. Peningkatan temperatur di kedalaman sekitar 48 derajat celcius per 1,6 km, namun, kenaikan yang tepat tergantung pada jenis batuan.
Perlindungan di bawah permukaan Bumi seperti ini tentu dapat menjadi salah satu tempat terakhir yang memiliki kehidupan.

Di akhir siklus, suhu akan menurun sekitar 10,5 derajat Celsius per mil di atas permukaan bumi. Hal ini karena permukaan Bumi kembali memancarkan panas yang telah diterima dari Matahari, sehingga memanaskan atmosfer yang lebih rendah.

Suhu yang lebih rendah pada ketinggian tinggi akan mendorong kehidupan mikroba di Bumi di masa depan mencari perlindungan di danau yang tersisa di pegunungan. Ini dilakukan untuk menghindari panas.
Ini karena lempeng tektonik berhenti menabrak satu sama lain, dan tidak akan ada lagi menjadi kekuatan untuk menghasilkan pegunungan yang menjulang ke atas.
Sebaliknya, gunung-gunung akan menyerah terhadap cuaca dan akhirnya daerah dataran tinggi yang ada akan menjadi lebih sedikit.

Daerah dataran tinggi yang tersisa kemungkinan adalah gunung berapi. Kurangnya lempeng tektonik akan memungkinkan "hot spot" gunung berapi ini mencapai ketinggian yang tidak mungkin ada untuk saat ini.

"Lokasi sekitar gunung berapi aktif di Bumi saat ini merupakan pusat kehidupan. Sehingga tinggal dekat gunung berapi aktif tidak akan menjadi kendala bagi mikroorganisme ekstrem," kata O'Malley-James.

"Kemungkinan aktivitas gunung berapi akan menurun, karena planet mendingin. Tetapi, tidak mungkin berhenti total selama periode waktu di mana planet masih dihuni," sebutnya.

Kolam terisolasi dari sisa-sisa laut akan memiliki konsentrasi garam tinggi, yang hanya dapat dihuni oleh mikroba tertentu. Mikroba tersebut disebut thermohalophiles, dan mereka ada saat ini dalam kondisi seperti di sekitar ventilasi hidrotermal.
Mikroba di bumi di masa depan juga harus bersaing dengan serangan dosis tinggi radiasi ultraviolet. Ini diakibatkan lapisan ozon telah terbuka saat oksigen di atmosfer berkurang.

Mempelajari periode akhir kehidupan di Bumi membantu ilmuwan untuk mempersempit jenis bio-signature --zat yang menunjukkan kehidupan-- yang mungkin ada di bumi.

Thermohalophiles, seperti yang ditemukan di gunung berapi di Chili Atacama Desert, menggunakan karbonmonoksida untuk memperoleh energi, dan hasil sampingan dari proses metabolisme organisme ini termasuk karbondioksida, hidrogen, dan etanol.

Karbondioksida dapat dilihat sebagai indikator kehidupan, mengingat senyawa ini melekat pada planet yang telah hilang beberapa juta tahun sebelumnya. Karbondioksida dengan sendirinya bukan bio-signature. Karena itu, kehadirannya di Mars tidak menunjukkan bahwa ada kehidupan di planet merah tersebut.

Namun, secara biologi karbondioksida yang dihasilkan akan menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan dari CO2 di atmosfer. Ini dapat mengungkapkan adanya kehidupan mikroba.

Demikian pula, produksi biologis hidrogen oleh thermohalophiles bisa menciptakan kelebihan hidrogen di atmosfer, yang dapat digunakan sebagai indikator kehidupan. Namun, semua biosignature kemungkinan akan menjadi lemah, karena produktivitas biologi akan sangat berkurang di dunia yang semakin sekarat.

Mikroba dapat beradaptasi dengan kondisi ekstrem, dan mikroba akan menjadi penghuni tunggal bumi selama di masa terakhir planet ini layak dihuni. Ekosistem kehidupan mikroba akan menunjukkan biosignature yang
sangat berbeda dengan apa yang ada di Bumi saat ini.

Tapi, apakah jenis terakhir ekosistem kehidupan akan muncul mirip dengan jenis ekosistem kehidupan awal? Itu adalah pertanyaan lain.

Pekerjaan di masa depan akan berusaha untuk mencari dan mengembangkan apa yang bisa dilakukan dengan penemuan biosignature. Untuk selanjutnya, mencari sebuah planet layak huni di antara planet mirip Bumi yang telah ditemukan sejauh ini.

Makalah tentang periode akhir di Bumi ini telah dipublikasikan dalam "International Journal of Astrobiology".

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Dzagoev Bawa Rusia Taklukkan Ceko

Sabtu, 9 Juni 2012, 12:23 WIB

VIVAbola – Secara mengejutkan, Timnas Rusia menghancurkan Republik Ceko dengan skor 4-1 pada laga lanjutan Grup A Piala Eropa di Stadion Miejski, Sabtu, 9 Juni dinihari WIB.

Gelandang sayap Rusia Alan Dzagoev menjadi bintang di pertandingan ini. Ia sukses melesakkan dua gol ke gawang Ceko yang dikawal salah satu kiper terbaik dunia Petr Cech.

Gol Rusia lainnya dicetak oleh Roman Shirokov pada menit 24 dan
Roman Pavlyuchenko pada menit 82. Adapun gol satu-satunya Polandia dicetak oleh Vaclav Pilar pada menit 52.

Dengan kemenangan ini, Rusia berhak berada di puncak klasemen Grup A dengan tiga poin. Sementara tuan Rumah Polandia dan Yunani berada di peringkat dua dan tiga dengan satu poin. Ceko yang dipimpin oleh Tomas Rosicky terpaku di dasar klasemen dengan poin nol.

Selanjutnya, Rusia akan menantang tuan rumah Polandia di National Stadium pada 12 Juni mendatang.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

25 Most Amazing Lakes Of The World

25. NakurU Lake, Kenya
A Kenyan piece of paradise on earth harbors the most beautiful gathering of flamingoes and large mammals on the African continent. This soda lake formed in a Rift Valley is part of Nakuru National Park.

24. Peipsi Lake, Estonia, Russian Federation
Dating from Paleozoic era this lake was severely damaged by the Soviet agricultural modifications. One of the largest and most beautiful lakes of European continent, it has a rich flora and fauna and it is popular for sport fishing.

23.Slimbridge Swan Lake, United Kingdom
Part of the Slimbridge Wetland Reservation, this beautiful lake is the home of a large population of birds and wildlife representatives that make this place an animal paradise. The lake is part of a large English wetland formed on an estuary.

22. Sibaya Lake, South Africa
Because of the scarce raining this huge freshwater lake is the main water source for a large number of wildlife species. Due to its unique position it is also a scuba diving paradise for tourists.

21.Issyk-Kul Lake, Kyrgyzstan
The second largest salt water lake in the world Issyk-Kul Lake is also the second as dimension to the high altitude lakes on our planet. The lake is a popular tourist resort and has a large number of natural beaches.

20. Dianchi Lake, China
Beautiful cyan waters under a spectacular formation of clouds and surrounded by spectacular land, Dianchi Lake is only the sixth freshwater lake in China. In spite of that is surely a sight for sore eyes.

19.Maracaibo Lake, Venezuela
This is one of the oldest and most beautiful lakes in the world and during millenniums its geography was changed from an actual lake to a bay like water structure holding one of the major oil resources on the Venezuelan territory.

The exploitation of this resource has changed the structure of the land and many platforms sunk but this lake remains one of the most beautiful large inland waters in the world.

18. Huron Lake, Canada, United States of America
Lake Huron is the third largest lake in the Northern United States. Part of the five Great lakes of the American continent, Huron Lake is surely impressive both by size and importance. The water level is variable but very important to the ecosystem which went through dramatic changes in the last years.

17.Lake Superior, Canada, United States of America
The largest of the five Great lakes in America and the largest fresh water gathering in the world, the Lake Superior is responsible for a huge part of the weather and natural ecosystem of the North American Continent. With a rich history and an important commercial position this beautiful lake is surely one of the natural wonders of the world.

16. Natron Lake, Kenya, Tanzania
This beautiful lake is a bird paradise and cradle to the pink flamingo nesting grounds because of its safe position and auspicious conditions. The lake is a rather narrow and very rich in mineral salty waters pretty unique because of the fauna so specific for the area.

15. Sevan Lake, Armenia
One of the three seas of Armenia stretching over the Armenian territory the Sevan Lake is the only one completely on the Armenian land. Although the Soviet ruling of the country dramatically changed the lake and its ecology, this one remains one of the few largest high altitude natural lakes of the world.

14. Taal Lake, Philippines
One of the most beautiful lakes in the world, it is very spectacular due to its unique display of water-inside-island-inside-water, this amazing freshwater caldera is not only the third as size in Philippines but also a very large display of natural beauty. The lake harbors a volcanic island which holds inside another lake.

13. Tana Lake, Ethiopia
Ethiopia is the home of Tana Lake, the source of the Blue Nile and the largest water formation from Ethiopia. With a large number of islands spread all over its surface conditioned by the rate the lake waters grow or decrease.

The larger islands are home to religious monasteries dating from ancient religious times and holding the tombs of ancient Ethiopian Emperors and many archeological treasures.

12.Boiling Lake, Dominica
A volcanic water formation resulted from an active volcano meeting a rich in sulfur water spring which caused a powerful fizzy effect, responsible for the way this picturesque lake attracts tourists. All around this lake there are tourist resorts getting people close to this spectacular natural beauty.

11. Lake Michigan, United States of America
One of the North America’s most beautiful lakes, Michigan is known for its cosmopolite shores and extraordinary beaches famous for their beauty all over the world. With cities like Chicago nested on its shore and the geographical position it has, this great lake is surely a cradle of the modern civilization.

10. Titicaca, Bolivia, Peru
With a rich history and a plethora of legends that surround its existence Titicaca Lake is the largest lake of the South American continent and the largest of the high altitude lakes in the world. Due to its amazingly large surface it is also the lake with the highest commercial role on the planet.

Isla de Sol is closer to the Bolivian Border of the lake and it contains important vestiges of Inca civilization. Isla de Luna slightly smaller is surrounded by many ancient legends.

9. Malawi Lake, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania
A Tanzania paradise of unbelievable beauty, and a piece of Eden for all the snorkeling fans of the world , this lake is in the UNESCO treasure box and because it is the home of an extraordinary number of cichlid fish species some unique in the world, this beautiful lake makes visiting it a lifetime experience. Too bad it is under dispute between Malawi and Mozambique.

8. Atitlan Lake, Lago Guatemala
The deepest lake in South America is resting in the lap of three different volcanoes. Blue and clear, a mirror of the sky, cradled in the Guatemala highlands, this is perhaps one of the most picturesque hiking places in the world especially because the area all around it is a Guatemala national park.

7. Teshekpuk Lake, United States of America
A beautiful display of blue fresh waters, this lake unfortunately was contaminated with sea water because of the erosion or the soil caused by melting Arctic Ice. This home of the most varied Arctic ecosystem is endangered because of the global warming. Still it is so beautiful that you will have to see it at least once in a life time.

6. Biwa Lake (Biwa-ko)
The largest fresh water lake in Japan is the place where beauty, tradition and cosmopolite development created an amazing place to visit. This beautiful lake inspired poetry in the Japanese literature, was mentioned in the Japanese history as a place where important history events happened and it is a distinctive part of the Japanese culture.

5. Ohrid Lake, Albania, Macedonia
The deepest lake of the Balkan Mountains is an UNESCO asset because of its unique ecosystem that makes it a treasure of the world. Placed at the border between Albania and Macedonia the lake is truly an amazing place to visit.

4. Baikal Lake, Russian Federation
The largest and the oldest glacier lake in the world , this “Pearl of Siberia” is the owner of an amazing rift valley filled with unbelievable views and true proof that natural beauty can be both wild and breath taking. Because of its size it is worthy of the name “Northern Sea” the ancient Chinese texts have given it.

3. Tahoe Lake, (USA)
Lake Tahoe is the largest fresh water lake in North America and the home to a powerful ecosystem. One of the most beautiful lakes in the world, it is placed in the middle of a tall mountain fortress and the home to some of the most famous American resorts, this wonderful piece of sapphire stone is surely a sight worthy of a memory.

2. Toba Lake, Indonesia
The largest volcanic lake in the world is supposed to be the home of a legendary volcanic eruption that drastically influenced the human genetics from 70 thousands of years ago because of the huge climate change it caused. The Northern Sumatran caldera is a very beautiful site especially because of this lake.

1.Turkana Lake, Ethiopia, Kenya
Strangely positioned in the Great valley of Kenyan Rift, Turkana Lake is the 4th largest alkaline still water formation in the world. Extremely picturesque because of the central island that releases vapors because of the evaporation process, the former Lake Rudolf is home to a very rich salt water life contrasting with the deserted volcanic soil of its shores.

The Mystery Of Stonehenge

No place has generated so much speculation and wild theories as the standing stones of Stonehenge.

Stonehenge, which is located at Wiltshire, United Kingdom, is a pre historic monument. It is composed of earth works that surround large standing stones in circular setting. According to many theories, the date of the erection is still unknown where some consider it to be in 2200 B.C. and other saying it to be around 3000 B.C. But till date no such strong evidence shows the exact date of the monument being built.

One of the major mysteries of Stonehenge was how it was built.
The first stones, the bluestones were sourced from the only place in the UK where such stone exists. In Wales, nearly 200 hundred miles away.
The common theory is that these stones were transported largely by water to within a couple of miles of Stonehenge. However no body has even today successfully re-enacted this feat with the technologies available at the time. Nor found any evidence along the way to support this. Other theories include the stones being moved to Stonehenge by glaciers.
The larger stones the Sarsen Stones came from only about 20 miles away, but again with no modern machinery and before the wheel how did they transport these stones through the undulating countryside. The common theory is that they were rolled along on top of tree trunks.

But there is another mystery associated with sacred circle of Stonehenge. Four thousand years and more after Stonehenge was built, nobody is really sure what it was built for.
The current archaeologists viewpoint is that Stonehenge was used for something similar to a current day memorial service. They say that a celebration took place in Durrington Walls a couple of miles from Stonehenge where another henge, Woodhenge is located.
They theorise that a pre service took place at Woodhenge and then the people proceeded for a final service at Stonehenge.
Its also clear that astronomy had something to do with Stonehenge, its just too much of a coincidence the siting of the stones. The pure theory that Stonehenge was all to do with astronomy, the private fiefdom of a 'priest' like figure or group that studied astronomy to predict the seasons for agriculture is largely discredited. Similar peoples across the water in what is now Europe were perfectly able to successfully farm without the use of such structures and there is evidence there was trade/contacts between the two.
A common view is that the timings of the ceremonies was all important and this is the only astronomical significance.
And what is the significance of the ley lines that bisect Stonehenge and many other similar Neolithic monuments that statistically go well beyond it being just coincidence.
There is also evidence that Stonehenge and Durrington Walls was a place of pilgrimage. What is clear is that people traveled some way to Stonehenge. A skeleton found when studied was from a person originating from what is Switzerland today for example. The bluestones first brought to Stonehenge were thought by some ancient societies to have healing properties. Some human remains found show evidence of significant injuries to those attending. So one theory is that Stonehenge was thought to be a place of pilgrimage where miracles of healing may take place.
The religious aspect also has to be accounted for and logically is the key to understanding what went on at Stonehenge. Unfortunately we will never know for sure the detail of what they believed. Today, Stonehenge is used by pagan religions which have some similarities. Druids often use Stonehenge for formal ceremonies, normally long before the tourists arrive.

One viewing this powerful structure gets the distinct impression that they are in the presence of something very important. Something with a purpose that perhaps has still, after all these centuries, not been utilized. For over 5000 years it has stood silent vigil over the earth.

Elven Alodia

Stupid Things

Friday, April 13, 2012


It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Further more, scientific tests have proven its value.We publish below a description of use of water for our readers.For old and serious diseases as well as
modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases: Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases,vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases.

1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water
2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minute
3.. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours
5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may
commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.
6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.
The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure/control/reduce main diseases:
1. High Blood Pressure (30 days)
2. Gastric (10 days)
3. Diabetes (30 days)
4. Constipation (10 days)
5. Cancer (180 days)
6. TB (90 days)
7. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st week, and from 2nd week onwards – daily..

This treatment method has no side effects,however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.
It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine work in our life.Drink Water and Stay healthy and Active. This makes sense .. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals not cold water. May be it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothingto lose, everything to gain... For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts withthe acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine.Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal. A serious note about heart attacks:
·Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left armhurting,
· Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.
· You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack.
· Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.
· 60% of people who have a heart attack while
they are asleep do not wake up.
· Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep.

Source : Reality POD on facebook

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Planet Bumi Dilihat dari Luar Angkasa

Pemandangan malam hari dari Stasiun Luar Angkasa Internasional di atas Samudera Atlantik 6 Februari 2012.

Foto Bumi pada malam hari diambil dari Stasiun Luar Angkasa Internasional di atas Cairo dan Alexandria, Mesir pada 28 Oktober 2010. REUTERS/NASA

Bumi dilihat dari luar angkasa. Foto ini diluncurkan NASA pada 6 Februari 2012. REUTERS/NASA/Handout.

Seperti inilah Jepang pasca-tsunami dari luar angkasa. Foto ini dikeluarkan oleh NASA 13 Maret 2011. (Photo by NASA via Getty Images)

Seperti inilah Jepang pasca-tsunami dari luar angkasa. Foto ini dikeluarkan oleh NASA 13 Maret 2011. (Photo by NASA via Getty Images)

Aurora australis saat terjadi badai geomagnetik pada 29 Mei 2010. Foto ini diambil dari ketinggian 350 kilometers dari Bumi. REUTERS/ISS Crew Earth Observations experiment and Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, Johnson Space Center/Handout/Files

Aurora Australis diambil oleh astronot Belanda Andre Kuipers di Stasiun Luar Angkasa Internasional antara Antartika dan Australia 10 Maret 2012. REUTERS/Andre Kuipers/ESA/NASA/Handout

Aurora Australis diambil oleh salah satu kru Expedition 29 di Stasiun Luar Angkasa Internasional, dari Australia selatan di Samudera Pasifik menuju Samudera Pasifik di barat Amerika Tengah, 18 September 2011. REUTERS/NASA/JSC

Astronot Belanda Andre Kuipers mengambil gambar formasi bebatuan di Mauritania dari Stasiun Luar Angkasa Internasional. (Foto: ESA/NASA)